From In Game to In Real Life, a game that teaches how to save on energy costs!

SwissEnergy – The federal office for Energy – launches ENERGY GO! The game that challenges your energy reflexes and teaches best practices for energy… and costs savings!
A game designed and produced by Ramon+Pedro, developed and published by Brozermo. A team effort where Brozermo has been able to share their gaming and user interaction experience on mobile, as well as the communication concept and responsive web
ENERGY GO is also a “Gamification” experience, using virtual challenges, actions and achievements to teach real-life energy-saving behaviours and bring concrete benefits.

ENERY GO is a platformer based on three energy-saving themes: LED lightbulbs, STAND-BY mode management and HOT WATER saving. Each theme teaches the user simple energy-saving techniques that win points in the game and save energy and money in real life.

In the game, the player must help ENERGICO, SwissEnergy’s iconic avatar, to accomplish his mission and combat the ‘bad guys’, namely the G to B energy labels that keep getting in the way of saving energy.

Adventure, discovery, experiment, accomplishment or performance are calling? Let gamification be with you.


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Brozermo developped App and Game with Unity® software